Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Film programming project with Bath Film Festival

It's a real pleasure to be working on a film programming project in partnership with Bath Film Festival. Five students from Bath Spa Uni are programming four film screenings themed around sport within the film festival which runs from 13 - 21 Nov 2009. It's a fantastic opportunity for them to learn about selecting, screening and promoting films with support from Chris and Lynne from the film festival. We're meeting fortnightly as a group over the summer and at the moment the focus is on researching films and venues. The film festival brochure goes to print in early September and after that we'll be concentrating all our efforts on marketing. We'll be at Bath Spa Uni's freshers' fair and are also planning a student club night fundraiser in October.

Big Top Festival film update

The RELAYS short film about the Big Top Festival at Bradon Forest School is currently in post production. Swindon filmmaker, Gurch Singh, is working with young people and staff from the school in Purton, Swindon. The film will showcase the highlights of the festival, raise awareness of and promote the event. The film will be completed by September 2009 and is intended for distribution online, through young people’s film festivals and the BBC Big Screens network. We'll also hold a screening in School assembly in September.

Pictured are Gurch Singh, Chloe Tennant, Zoe Jackson and Chris Deeley. Luke Stewart sadly missed the photo!

Thursday, 2 July 2009

I'm really looking forward to checking out the Big Top festival at Bradon Forest School on 9 - 12 July. Relays is supporting local filmmaker, Gurch Singh, to work with students and staff at the school to make a short documentary film about the festival. There's a packed programme of music, theatre, dance and circus performances, including The Dacoits and Circomedia on offer.

Circus skills

Here are some pics from a circus skills workshop run by Circomedia at the K3 Games on 12 June at the University of Bath